After the sweeping changes to the timesheets, our latest development work might well have gone unnoticed. However, these have significant ramifications in terms of the ability to simplify the interface for users who do not need to record time or run time reports in AceProject. In the process, actual hours can now be veiled throughout from specific users (for instance, your clients). All this power in a single checkbox!
Here are the latest enhancements:
- Time Module now can be disabled at the account and user levels. When the Time Module is disabled, the left menu and top frame pulldowns no longer display items related to the time module. Additionally, all Actual Hours in the interface and e-mail notifications are hidden.
- Expense Module now can be disabled at the user level, having the same impact as the above point.
- Filters have been improved on task lists. You can now better filter your tasks by creator/assigned/reviewers with the And/Or operators.
- Under the project tab, bulk updates for the task list have been improved. You can now modify several fields and enter a comment before clicking the update button.
Some improvements have been made to the mobile version to make it more stable and usable, namely…
- An “Add Task” icon has been added to the toolbar. As a result, from any page in the mobile version, the task creation will be easier.
- After saving a task, we now better handle the page you are redirected to.
The complete list of changes and bug fixes may be seen in our Changes History page.
Amongst other things, our development team members (at least, those who aren’t already away on their summer vacation) are feverishly putting together improvements on the timeclock system. Be on the lookout for that. And if you’re getting set for your summer holidays, we hope they will be fun-filled and relaxing.
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