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Make Repetitive Work Easier – Introducing Recurring Tasks

After months of hard work, a controlled beta test with the participation of 100+ of our users has concluded, and we are ready to unveil our latest major feature, recurring tasks. Until now, recurring tasks could only be simulated by copying the same task over and over, and adjusting dates manually. Our customers and ourselves grew tired of this, and are releasing today a real solution to this inconvenience.

Recurring tasks have been on our mind for years, and due to this feature’s complexity, very few project management solutions offer this capability. We are extremely proud to add this feature to AceProject and, as a result, continue to remain competitive.

Basically, recurring tasks empower users to schedule the auto-generation of periodic tasks in a project. A recurrence pattern can be defined, and edited later if needed. A recurrence can occur on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Many other options are available. Actually, we offer the same recurrence options as Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook, and even more.

All tasks of a recurrence can be easily viewed […]

By |2012-05-24|

Version 2012.05.17 – Several Irritants Corrected

We’ve decided to fix several irritants in AceProject lately, in order to improve the overall user experience.

Here’s the list of things we’ve done over the last couple of weeks:

Bulk Project Un-Assignment
Un-assigning users from a project is no longer a pain. We added a checkbox before each assigned user, so you can multi-select those you wish to un-assign and click the “Un-Assign Selected Users…” at the bottom of the list.

Show Non-Assigned Users on the “Edit Task” Page
When viewing the assignment grid under “Edit Task”,  it is now possible to view users who are not assigned to the task’s associated project. This helps improve user assignment significantly. In fact, should you need to assign someone who is not assigned to the associated project, you’ll simply check them from the list and assign them to both the associated project and the open task.

Project Number Auto-Population
This one was requested for quite some time. Project numbers are now auto-populated. Every time you create a project, a six-digit unique number will be given to the project. Of course, you can decide […]

By |2012-05-18|

Manual Time Entry in Mobile Version

We just launched a very convenient feature for those who use time tracking on their mobile device. Time entry was possible using the time clock only, but from now on, you’ll be able to enter time manually, the same way as you can do it in AceProject.

This feature was frequently requested, as the time clock doesn’t fit everybody’s needs. Here’s a screenshot of manual time entry:

At this time, manual time entries cannot be edited once they’re saved. This will be a part of our time sheet revamp, which should happen in the long run.

By |2012-05-03|

iPhone App 1.1 – Instant Photo Upload to Tasks

If you’re an iPhone user and access AceProject via the native app, you’ll be delighted to hear about this new feature.

iPhone users can now take pictures and upload them as task documents. This feature also allows you to attach pictures from your iPhone library. Document upload wasn’t available before, but from now on, you’ll be able to use the power of your iPhone for contributing to your tasks!

Make sure you download the latest iPhone app 1.1 from the Apple Store, otherwise it won’t work. The iPad app will also come shortly. The app can be downloaded by clicking the badge below:

Here’s how the whole process works. Basically, you open a task, select  “Add Picture” item from the top-right menu, and finally you click “Take a Picture” button. Your photo will be uploaded to your task. Isn’t that easy? For now, to speed up the picture upload process, we keep only 25% of the original size. More options are coming to allow you to choose the […]

By |2012-04-25|

AceProject’s Logo Redesigned

The launch of our new corporate image

Those who follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have already seen the new logo we unveiled two weeks ago. This new logo is the beginning of a series of major changes to our corporate image. We’ve decided to start with the logo. The website will follow. Our social media presence will also increase. And eventually, AceProject’s look and feel will change for the better. We’re on fire, so we hope you’re ready for this!

Concept behind the logo

We wanted to keep the arrow in our new logo. The arrow represents the progression of a project, from start to finish. We also wanted the new logo to be fresh… Just like us.

Something sweet for your computer screen

Here’s a 1920×1080 wallpaper with our new logo and slogan.

How do you like our new logo?

By |2012-04-24|

AceProject is now in Apple’s App Store

Today we are extremely proud to announce that we’ve made it to Apple’s App Store. After successfully launching the native Android app a few months ago, we have released the iOS 5 compatible AceProject app. This app acts as a gateway between Apple mobile devices (iTouch, iPhone, iPad) and AceProject`s mobile web app.

Benefits to this new app include:

  • Remain always connected without the need to continuously enter your login credentials.
  • In your email notifications, you’ll notice a mobile icon that will open your task directly into your native mobile app.
  • All the functionality that you currently find in your non-native mobile version.

Take advantage of the features and functionality of this app in harmony with your existing free or subscription account from AceProject. No account? Sign up for your free account in minutes.

The app can be downloaded by clicking the badge below:

Here is a screenshot of the native app:

By |2012-02-20|

Mobile Version 2012.02.01 – A New Menu, Global Search, and More…

We decided to standardize AceProject Mobile’s menu and follow the trends in that regard. Lately, we’ve been noticing several mobile apps that brought up a new kind of collapsible menu at the upper left (Facebook is a well-known example). This menu usually acts as a dashboard that contains key actions in the application. We felt the need to add such a menu to AceProject Mobile, for ergonomy reasons.

Among other things, this menu includes the Global Search (which we added to AceProject in late 2011), the open projects (similar to the multi-project tabs in AceProject) and quick access to “My Preferences”. When using a smartphone, the menu is collapsible. If you use a tablet or a traditional computer, the menu is always visible. We also added a page loading animation for the usability-savvy.

Here’s how the new menu looks like (tablet mode):

Coming soon, we’ll enter Apple’s App Store thanks to a native app for iPhone and iPad. This app will have the same behavior as the Android […]

By |2012-02-01|

AceProject Enters the Android Market

It’s been one year since we launched our mobile web app. The number of mobile users increases every day, and although some features have yet to be added to the mobile app, the users are delighted by AceProject Mobile.

That being said, AceProject is a web app, not a native app. There is no store for web apps, but we found a way to enter the Android Market and reach Android users more easily.

Basically, we built a native Java Android app which empowers users to connect to AceProject in a more convenient way. Furthermore, this native app has a “remember me” behavior (just like Facebook, for instance). As a result, you remain logged in for as long as you want to. No need to go through the login page anymore. For that specific reason, current Android users should download the native Android app to benefit from this awesome advantage. It can be downloaded by clicking the badge below:

As always, your comments and feedback will […]

By |2011-12-21|

Version 2011.11.29 – Drag and Drop Upload

The drag and drop upload is now available at the task level. This feature will empower users to simply drag a document to the upload window rather than using the “Browse…” button. Up to 10 documents can be uploaded simultaneously. This feature will be available for project documents shortly.

Here’s a screenshot of how the upload feature looks like:

We also improved ergonomic elements, as per customer suggestions. Among other things:

  • We added a project tab slider that lets you view all your open projects more easily.
  • We also added a skinning property that lets you adjust the padding between lines in lists.
  • The global search now lets you search within hyperlinks.

The “Portfolio -> Projects” and the Admin pages can now be open upon login. Finally, when deleting multiple documents, a single notification is sent rather than one for each document.

By |2011-11-29|

Mobile Version 2011.11.30 – More Accessible Time Clock + Recent Tasks

It’s been a while since we’ve worked on AceProject Mobile. Today, we are glad to announce 4 improvements :

1. The Time Clock can now be started from the dashboard. No need to open a project and a task anymore. Actually, choosing a project and a task will be done once you click the Time Clock on the dashboard.

2. Recent projects are available during the clock in process.  The corresponding drop-down shows recently-used projects.

3. Recent tasks are also available during the clock in process. The corresponding drop-down shows tasks you’ve recently clocked on and/or edited.

4. My Assigned Tasks and My Tasks to Review now show up as 2 separate items in the dashboard.

Here’s a screenshot of the updated time clock:

We are working on several other things these days. We’ll keep you posted!
By |2011-11-17|
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