Monthly Changes Digest – October 2012
The interface makeover is now available in public beta. Our statistics indicate widespread use of the new interface among our clients although we are still several weeks away from the AceProject 6.0 official release.
To all you beta testers, our sincerest gratitude for your feedback and suggestions. Keep it comin’!
Improvements in AceProject 6.0
Catch a glimpse of the improvements in the video presented here:
For more details about the makeover and the new navigation paths to access AceProject’s features, you may refer to this help page.
Bugs fixed
The complete list of fixed bugs can be found on our Changes History.
What’s coming
Analysis for the timesheet and time report enhancements is underway. Our development priorities remain the timesheet/time report overhaul, the Activity Stream functionality and labor cost tracking.
New Design Now Available for Public Beta
It’s been a couple of weeks since we released the new interface in private beta. Things are running smoothly and the comments we’ve gathered so far have helped us significantly improve usability and correct bugs, among others elements.
In order to access the new interface, simply add “/new” at the end of the URL you normally use to access your AceProject account. For example, you can login the demo account at
For information in regards to the functional changes in the new interface, please refer to our July 16th blog post here: For help with navigation in the new interface, you may refer to this FAQ.
We intend to handle bugs in the new interface just like we normally do. As soon as the fix for the bug you reported is online, we will notify you by email so that you may confirm all is okay. If worse comes to worse, you can always revert to the old interface to get […]
Monthly Changes Digest – September 2012
The AceProject interface makeover (a.k.a. AceProject 6.0) has been unveiled and hundreds of AceProject users are currently working with the beta version. AceProject 6.0 will officially be rolled out in October. Here are just a few comments we’ve received from our data testers…
LOVE the new look! (Chris G.)
Much better. I like the scaling. (Bryan T.)
Pretty cool. Congrats! (Fernando A.)
Improvements in AceProject 6.0
Catch a glimpse of the improvements in the video presented here:
For more details about the makeover and the new navigation paths to access AceProject’s features, you may refer to this help page.
Bugs fixed
The complete list of fixed bugs can be found on our Changes History.
What’s coming
We are working on a new JavaScript Gantt chart component and a fresh coat of paint for our website. The timesheet overaul is also on the horizon.
Monthly Changes Digest – August 2012
Here is the monthly digest for August 2012.
What’s new?
All AceProject staff have returned from summer vacations and are raring to put the final touches on the soon to be released new interface of AceProject (code name “Ace 6.0”). E-mail invitations for the beta program have been sent out and the beta phase is just around the corner.
Bugs fixed
The complete list of bug fixes can be found on our Changes History.
Nexus 7 tablet contest
Thank you all for the tremendous participation in the contest and for your great suggestions. You may expect many of your ideas to find their way in AceProject in the coming months.
Choosing a winner was a challenge. In some cases, it was not clear to us exactly what was being requested. We also, unfortunately, had to give less importance to the number of Likes on certain suggestions given one could easily make a case that the participant did not truly know AceProject in the 1st place and/or that the number of Likes was disproportionate to the quality of the […]
Win a Nexus 7: AceProject’s Most Wanted Enhancement
Today we are glad to announce our first contest in 2012. Become our first Winner by helping us improve AceProject!
How to Participate
- Like us on our Facebook Page
- Click the Nexus 7 image to access the contest zone
- Submit your most wanted enhancement as a Comment
Contest Rules and Winner
The contest ends on August 31, 2012. The winner will be announced on September 5, 2012. The winner will be determined based on the number of “likes” the idea receives, but also on the clarity and level of detail provided.
The author of the chosen idea will win a Google Tablet Nexus 7 (8GB)
Monthly Changes Digest – July 2012
Here is the monthly digest for July 2012.
No new features added to the current version of AceProject. Most developers not away on vacation put their efforts in bug corrections and optimizations.
However, work on the new design is progressing and a lot of improvements are coming. A limited number of customers will be invited to join a beta program this fall. These customers will get the chance to test drive the new design with their own, real data. Stay tuned!
Bugs fixed
The complete list of bug fixes can be found on our Changes History.
Breaking News – Huge AceProject Changes Ahead
As you know, AceProject was completely redesigned last year. The changes we made back then were greatly appreciated. However, since web apps evolve at a crazy pace, we’ve decided to pursue the makeover and take it to the next level. Needless to say that this Summer is going to be a busy one for our developers.
Once again, many irritants will disappear and actions will be easier to perform (such as user assignment to projects).
Four improvements will definitely stand out from others:
- The left menu will become graphical and much narrower.
- Filters will be moved to the right-hand side of lists.
- Actions will show up in a drop-down on every project tab.
- The “My Office” tab will be renamed as “Home”. This tab will include My Office’s content as well as the Portfolio’s, which will be removed.
A limited number of customers will be invited to join a beta program somewhere around September. These customers will get the chance to test drive the new design with their own, real data. Stay […]
Monthly Changes Digest – June 2012
Summer is coming fast and today we’re glad to announce the changes we made in June 2012.
- Upon replying to an AceProject task update/assignment notification, an email notification will automatically be sent to the user replying to the notif (regardless of whether “Notify me every time I create or update a task” is checked or not) as a confirmation of his/her task update.
- Terminology adjustments to the project assignment/unassignment email notification.
- “—– Write above this line to post a reply —–” added in task assignment/update email notifications.
- New FAQ-based searchable help system unveiled.
- Maximum number of tasks for a task import set to 2000.
- Email notification added for bulk project assignment/un-assignment.
- “Assigned” and “Reviewer” columns added in the Task Reminder email.
- Modifications to the “Task Limit Reached” e-mail notification.
- Task assignment and update notifications now all have “Created/Modified” in the Subject of the email.
- “Remember Filters” checkboxes added in all Portfolio -> Projects and My Office -> Projects pages.
- When a user is assigned to a project via the “Edit Task” page, […]
Goodbye Contextual Help, Welcome Knowledge Base
Since last Friday, you probably noticed that “Help” links now point to FAQs. These FAQs are actually part of our knowledge base, which represents a more efficient way to get your questions about AceProject answered. Thanks to a powerful search engine, you can easily find answers to your questions.
We’ve kept the major help pages such as “Time Tracking” and “Task Dependencies”, but got rid of all contextual help pages. We’ve organized all the information in 11 categories (Projects, Tasks, Documents, Time, Expenses, Reports, Admin, Access Rights, Mobile, Intranet, and Miscellaneous).
We extracted the essence of each and every contextual help page and made a “Best of” out of it. Hence, we don’t re-explain every menu item every time and don’t repeat the “See Also” and the “Troubleshooting” either, like we used to.
Make sure you bookmark this link:, or click any “Help” link in the application.
That’s the link to the knowledge base. It may come in handy at times.
Ace On Air – The AceProject Radio Show
We are excited to leverage a new concept for communicating with our customers. We’ve decided to create audio/video presentations in the likes of a radio show with images.
Here’s the first show about Recurring Tasks. What do you think of this new concept?