How to get the most out of AceProject, Part I: Consultants
AceProject is used by a wide variety of businesses, in many fields, from construction to health to marketing to product development, and then some.
In this series of articles, I will show you how AceProject can be adapted to a specific field of business.
Part I: Consultants
When you’re a consultant, time is money. Literally. What consultants sell is their time. So it’s very important for them to be able to track and manage their time accurately.
Moreover, when all your projects are client-related, it’s crucial to track billable vs non-billable time, and to respect the time allocated to the project.
Setting how time is managed
In AceProject, you can configure how you will track and manage time.
First of all, you get to decide how your week works: It can start on Saturday, on Sunday or on Monday. Week management is set in Administration > Configuration > Account Info:
Then, you get to decide how time will be categorized in your account. You’re not stuck with default values that have nothing to do with […]