Here are a few important things you should know when importing tasks:
- Although the source CSV file may contain values for both the ProjectNumber and ProjectName fields, only the ProjectName field is mandatory. This means you can actually leave out the ProjectNumber field altogether and AceProject will refer to the ProjectName values in the CSV to determine the destination project the task will be added or edited in.
- If a field is nonmandatory and you wish to edit an existing task through import without changing the existing value in that field, leave the field out of the CSV altogether. If your CSV includes the header for that field and you do not provide any value for that field in an existing task (meaning that you don’t type anything between the delimiters for that field), AceProject will remove the existing value for that field, replacing it with a “Null” or default value.
- If you wish to perform task assignments through a task import, make sure, ahead of time, that users you wish to assign to tasks are already assigned to the associated project. AceProject will not automatically assign users you’re trying to assign to tasks, through import, to the associated projects. If a user you’re trying to assign to a task is not already assigned to the project, that task assignment will be disregarded.
- No e-mail notifications will be sent out for task assignments or updates as a result of a task import.
For further information on importing data in AceProject, please refer to this help topic.