The end-user cannot edit an approved expense. Project Managers and Administrators can reject an approved expense and make modifications to it thereafter. Once an approved expense has been rejected, the end user can once again make modifications to it.
Category: Expenses
All you need to know regarding expenses, from entering expenses to their approval and reporting and.
How can I locate expense documents?
Both the Home => Documents and Project Tab => Documents > Search pages now list expense documents under document type “Expense Document”. The Expense Approval list page also provides a link to download the supporting document if one was attached to the given expense.
How are Actual Expenses calculated?
Actual Expenses are calculated based on expenses recorded by users. For information on how expenses can be added, please refer to the following help topic.
How can I create an expense?
There are 2 areas in the interface where you may add an expense… Under Home => Expenses > Expenses. In the Edit Task Information page of a task, by clicking on the “Add Expense” button ( ) next to the “Expenses” field in the “Actuals” section (if the user has sufficient rights to add an expense on that […]
What’s the Expense Status?
The Expense Status indicates the stage in the expense approval process the expense has reached. There are 4 expense statuses: In Progress, Submitted, Rejected, Approved. When a user has just created an expense, it will be set in the “In Progress” status. When a user requests approval for an expense, the expense is set to […]
Is it possible to enter revenues in AceProject?
AceProject is not designed to handle revenues. The only possible workaround is to add an expense with a negative amount.
Can expenses be exported?
Expense reports may be generated on screen or exported to Microsoft Excel or CSV format. The expense report criteria page offers both of these options.
How can I delete an expense?
A user can delete his/her own expenses as follows: Select Home => Expenses > Expenses. Click on the Summary link of the expense to delete. At this stage, you will be in the Edit Expense Information page. The Delete option will be located in the right pane. Project Managers and Administrators can delete expenses created by other […]
Is it possible to add an expense for another user?
It is not possible to add an expense for another user. However, you can edit an expense that was created by another user if you are an Administrator or Project Manager. For more information in that regard, please refer to this help topic.
Which expense date(s) are taken into account when applying a date range in an expense report?
When an expense is created, the end user must provide a value for the “Expense Date” field which may be different than the date the expense was created. In the expense report criteria page, a time range may be specified using the “From” and “To” fields. The expense report generated will capture expenses with an […]