AceProject does not allow you to record a timeclock item with a duration of more than 24 hours. When more than 24 hours have elapsed on a timeclock item, it may only be deleted. Please note that a task cannot be set to completed if there is an ongoing timeclock item running against it.
Category: Time
Anything time related (timesheets, the Time Clock system, time approval, time reports, etc.).
How can I create a time item?
AceProject allows you to add time to projects and tasks in 2 ways: using the Time Clock mode (users clock in and out of a task and AceProject records both times as well as the duration of the timeclock session), using the Timesheet mode (users type in the time worked on a project or on […]
Who can approve time sheets?
The following users are allowed to approve time sheets: Administrators, Normal users with “Time Approval” rights on the project the time item is associated with. Project Managers automatically receive time approval rights on their projects.
I’m generating a time report that shows 0 hours for a time item which I know time was recorded on. Is this a bug?
This can happen when the time range you specified in the time report criteria splits a weekly timesheet. For instance, let’s consider the following situation. The “From” date you specified in the time report criteria is Wednesday March 14th 2012, and your Week Management option is set to “Monday to Sunday”. If a user has […]
I want to set a task to completed but I get a Task #x cannot be completed because it still has an open Time Clock associated with it error. What can I do?
As an administrator, under Home => Time > Active Time Clocks , you should see a running timeclock item on that task. Odds are the elapsed time on the timeclock item will be considerable which means you will have no choice but to delete it. Thereafter, you should be able to close out the task.
Can I make changes to another user’s time sheet?
Project Managers and Administrators can make changes to another user’s time items. They can also create new time items for other users. In both cases, this may be done through the Time Approval areas of the interface. To edit an existing time item, the project manager or administrator must click on it’s “Status” link. To […]
I cannot edit a time item as the page is in read-only mode. Why?
There are 2 possible reasons. The time item you are viewing has been approved. Therefore, it cannot be edited unless it is rejected by an administrator, a project manager or a user with the “Time Approval” access right first. The time item is a Timeclock item and you have been granted “Timeclock Only” time entry […]
Can time off, sick time and holidays be handled?
Although AceProject has no specific functionality designed to handle absences and holidays, here are a few ideas as to what can be accomplished and how. Scheduling employee leave time and monitoring leave time taken Leave time can be assigned to employees through tasks in a project specifically dedicated to employee absences for a given year […]
How is the Actual Task Hours field value calculated?
Actual Task Hours represent the total number of hours users entered in their time sheets against specific tasks in the project. Only time items with an “In progress”, “Submitted” or “Approved” status are taken into account. Rejected time isn’t.
What’s the Global Approval Status?
The AceProject timesheet system comprises two levels: The weekly timesheet level The “time item” level Each weekly timesheet can contain several time items. The AceProject approval system allows you to approve/reject individual time items which means that a user can have a weekly timesheet which contains time items under the “In Progress” status, several others […]