AceProject allows you to add time to projects and tasks in 2 ways:

  1. using the Time Clock mode (users clock in and out of a task and AceProject records both times as well as the duration of the timeclock session),
  2. using the Timesheet mode (users type in the time worked on a project or on a specific task on a given day).

A user with Time Clock mode time entry enabled in his/her user profile can add time to a task using the Time Clock system either…

  1. through Home  => Time >  My Time Clock,
  2. or through the specific task the user wants to add time to. Click on the Summary link of the task in a task list page to reach the Edit Task Information page and the “Start Time Clock” option will be located in the right pane.

A user with Timesheet mode time entry enabled in his/her user profile can add time either…

  1. through  Home => Time > My Time. The user can navigate through his/her weekly time sheets using the navigation tools. Subsequently, the user can either add a new time item in the selected week by clicking on the “Add Time…” button or edit an existing time item by clicking on its Status link.
  2. or through the specific task the user wants to add time to. Click on the Summary link of the task in a task list page to reach the task Edit screen. Then click on the ”   Add Time” option in the right pane.


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