AceProject supports the following hierarchy:
“Project Types”, “Clients”
“Task Groups”, “Task Types”
- Each level in this hierarchy can contain 0, 1 or several “objects” of the level below it. For instance, a Project Type can contain several Projects.
- When 2 “objects ” are on the same level, these 2 objects are independent of one another. For instance, it is not possible to associate a certain Client to a specific Project Type.
- AceProject project lists (such as Home => Projects > Projects ) allow you to filter Projects by Project Type and/or by Client in the Filters section of the page. Project lists may also be sorted by Project Type and/or by Client using the Show/Hide Columns (
icon) feature.
- Similarly, the task list you get when you click on a Project tab allows you to filter Tasks by Task Group and/or by Task Type in the Filters section of the page. Task lists may also be sorted by Task Group and/or by Task Type using the Show/Hide Columns (
icon) feature.
- Project Types and Clients may be defined under Administration => Configuration > Project Types and Administration => Clients respectively. A Project may be associated with a specific Project Type and Client under Project Tab > Edit Project , in the “Settings” section of the page.
- Task Groups and Task Types may be defined under Project Tab > Edit Project (“Groups” tab) and Project Tab > Edit Project (“Types” tab) respectively. A Task may be associated with a specific Task Group and Task Type in the Edit Task Information page. Administrators and Project Managers may also associate multiple tasks to one Task Group or Task Type in a single operation using the “Actions on checked tasks” option in the default task list page that appears when one clicks on a Project tab .
- Finally, when a new project is created using a template project, the Task Group and Task Type values in the template project are automatically copied over to the new project. This will prove to be a valuable timesaver if you wish to have standard Task Group and Task Type values (as well as Task Status and Task Priority values) from one project to another.