AceProject makes use of User Groups in several areas of the interface, namely:
- In time and expense approval and reporting pages under the Home tab
- In the User Workload reports
- When performing project level assignments (through Project Tab > Assignments ), available users are displayed by User Group
Hence, user groups are well-suited to represent your “teams”.
However, it is not possible to assign, in a single operation, a user group to projects or tasks. Only AceProject “users” may be assigned to projects and tasks. Permissions may not be assigned to User Groups. Once again, access rights can only be granted to AceProject “users”.
What are the effects of a user changing groups. Say Bob is in the support team and thus is assigned to the support user group in ACE. As such, for accounting purposes, all time recorded will be cumulated in the support group. Now, say that at some time, Bob changes roles and becomes part of the programmer team. My question is, if the user changes group, does it alter past data. Are all previous time entries suddenly switched to the programmer team, or is transactional data (time entry) linked to a configuration (user group) at the time of the transaction?
The usergroup is not linked to the history of the time entry. When the user changes from Group 1 to Group 2, all time that was entered under the user in Group 1 will now be under Group 2.