Following is a description of each of these fields. In the Estimates section The Task Hours field is a computed field and shows the sum of the estimated hours on each task in the project. You may also provide a value for the Project Hours field for whatever time you believe will be required that […]
Articles Tagged: Definitions and Specifications
What do the fields in the Estimates and Actuals sections of the Edit Project page represent?
Following is a description of each of these fields. In the Estimates section 1. The Task Hours field is a computed field and shows the sum of the estimated hours on each task in the project. 2. You may also provide a value for the Project Hours field for whatever time you believe will be […]
How should I use Marked Tasks?
Marked Tasks is a visual mechanism that allows a user to identify tasks he/she wants to “follow” closely for a certain period of time. When you mark a task, you are only marking it for yourself and this “mark” (the yellow star) will appear next to the task throughout the interface. Hint: In “custom” task […]
What’s the difference between an Assigned User and a Reviewer?
In terms of access rights, there is no difference between being “Assigned” or “Reviewer” on a task. The difference between one and the other pertains to work allocation. When a user is “Assigned” on a task, he/she will share the Estimated Hours allocated on the task with the other “Assigned” users, whereas a “Reviewer” will […]
Can I create subtasks?
AceProject does not support multi-levels of tasks. It can’t “understand” a task as being part of another. There are two workarounds. The first is to create AceProject “Task Groups” ( or “Task Types”) in your project to represent your “main tasks” and then associate your “subtasks” (AceProject “tasks”) to the proper AceProject “Task Group” . […]
What does Weekends Allowed mean?
At the project level, it is possible to specify whether or not work will be performed over weekends. This is done through the “Task Dependencies” section in Project Tab > Edit Project page. When “Including Weekends” is selected, Estimated Hours allocated on all tasks in the project will be spread out evenly from the Estimated […]
What’s the difference between Actual Start/End Dates and Estimated ones?
AceProject provides you with 2 sets of fields for start and end dates. This allows you to compare actual task and project durations with expected numbers. Actual task start and end dates may be provided by the end user but AceProject also has an automatic mode which populates these dates with the current date when […]
What is the difference between the % Done and the Actual % Done on tasks?
Task progress, in AceProject, can be measured in 2 ways: using the “% Done” value or using the “Actual % Done” value. The “% Done” field is a drop-down with values ranging from 0 to 100% in 10% increments. As work is being performed, assigned users on tasks should adjust this value for 2 reasons: […]
How does the Finish-to-Start dependency work?
A “Finish-to-Start” mandatory dependency means that a predecessor task must be set to completed before its successor may be started. If a lag time is also provided on the “Finish-to-Start” mandatory dependency, that time will need to elapse (after the predecessor has been set to completed) before the successor task may be started. In AceProject, […]
How are the dashboard Can be Started, To Start Soon, Soon Due and Overdue tasks determined?
The Can be Started item refers to all assigned incomplete tasks that either have been started or that can be started given all predecessors have been completed. The To Start Soon item refers to assigned tasks that are still in a “Waiting” status with an Estimated Start Date that is approaching (the number of days used is the same as […]