AceProject supports date variables in the Task Summary field when creating or editing a recurrence. This allows you to have tasks generated by a recurrence with unique Summary field values to help you tell the different instances of a given recurrence apart. These variables make use of the Estimated Start Date of a task created from a recurrence.

Here are the variables that may be used in the Task Summary field in the “New Recurrence” or “Edit Recurrence” pages and the text result when a recurring task instance is created:

*Case Sensitivity: The [weekday] and [month] variables are case-sensitive. The way the value will be displayed will match the syntax used. There are 3 possible syntax formats for both of these variables:

    • Using only lowercase letters.    For example, typing in [weekday] will yield one of the following in the task Summary field: “monday”, “tuesday”, “wednesday”, etc.
    • Using only uppercase letters.    For example, typing in [MONTH] will yield one of the following in the task Summary field: “JANUARY”, “FEBRUARY”, “MARCH”, etc.
    • Using an uppercase for the 1st letter only.    For example, typing in [Weekday] will yield one of the following in the task Summary field: “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, etc.

Language Support:  The values returned for the [weekday] and [month] variables will either be in English or French. The recurrence creator’s language preference determines which language will be used.

Expressions using Variables: AceProject supports expressions using the supported variables by adding or subtracting a certain number of days, weeks or months. Here are a few examples:
    • If  [month_number+1]  is typed and the Estimated Start Date  of the task is November 17th 2012, AceProject will return “12”.
    • If [weekday-2] is typed and the Estimated Start Date  of the task is November 17th 2012 (a Saturday), AceProject will return “thursday”.
Expressions using the [weekday] and [month] variables may be used in combination with any of the 3 syntax formats (see “Case Sensitivity” item above).

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